Valley Forge Park Engagement Session // Philadelphia Wedding Photographer

We first met Emma & Jim almost a year ago. They live close by to where Tom and I both grew up in Philadelphia so it was so great to have that in common. We met for a few drinks at local bar and had so much fun! We spent hours talking about how they met, all about their relationship and what they envisioned their wedding day to be like. Their wedding date is very important to them as it’s their anniversary so it wasn’t a surprise that they wanted to have their engagement session to be exactly one year before their wedding date at Valley Forge National Park.

It was the perfect fall day in October for their valley forge park engagement session and the colors in the park were just amazing! These two were so much fun and didn’t mind when they frantically had to run up a hill when the car rode by and kicked up the dust making for one the best photos of the session. We can’t wait to photograph and film their wedding at the Knowlton Mansion this fall. We’re sure it’s going to be a blast!

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Check out this other beautiful Fall engagement session here